
Dr. Robyn L. Brouer

Dr. Robyn L. Brouer

Ben May Endowed Chair

Research Interests

Dr. Brouer has research interests in leadership, social influence and effectiveness, person-environment fit and most recently recruitment and diversity and inclusion. She has more than 30 peer-reviewed publications in these research areas, appearing in outlets such, as the Journal of Management, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Journal of Organizational Behavior and the Leadership Quarterly. She has presented research at various conferences including the Academy of Management, Southern Management Association, and the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Dr. Brouer has consulted with companies in various industries on strategic planning, leadership, employee satisfaction and engagement, sexual harassment, and diversity and inclusion. 


  • Ph.D. Business Administration, Florida State University, 2007

  • M.S. Management, University of Central Florida, 2003

  • B.S. Psychology, University of Georgia, 2000

  • B.A. Sociology, University of Georgia, 2000


  • Summers, J. K., Munyon, T. P., Brouer, R. L., Pahng, P., & Ferris, G. R. (2020). Political skill in the stressor-strain relationship: A meta-analytic update and extension. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118, 103372.

  • Badawy, R. L., Gazdag, B. A., Bentley, J. R., & Brouer, R. L. (2018). Are all impostors created equal? Exploring gender differences in the impostor phenomenon-performance link. Personality and Individual Differences, 131, 156-163.

  • Dulebohn, J.H., Bommer, W.H., Liden, R.C., Brouer, R.L., & Ferris, G.R. (2012). Meta-analysis of LMX antecedents and consequences: Integrating the past with an eye toward the future. Journal of Management, 38, 1715-1759.

  • Brouer R.L., Harris, K.J., & Kacmar, K.M. (2011) Perceptions of politics, political skill, and job outcomes.  Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32, 869-885. 


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